Otkrila kako je u dvije godine izgubila gotovo 100 kilograma



Amerikanka Stacy Blair cijeli se život bezuspješno borila s kilogramima, sve do 14. rujna 2017. kada je dotaknula dno, odnosno shvatila da želi doživjeti 30. rođendan. Tad joj je bilo 28 godina i imala je 160 kilograma. 


31.10.2019. u 13:47
Ispiši članak

"Probudila sam se i krenula spremati za posao. Pogledala sam se u ogledalo i zgrozilo me ono što sam vidjela", iskreno će Stacy za Good Morning America.

 "Zdravlje mi se rapidno pogoršavalo. Čak i hodanje ili samo stajanje postalo je bolno", dodala je. 

"U tom trenutku promijenio se sklop u mojoj glavi. Više nisam htjela izgubiti kilograme kako bih bila mršava i izgledala dobro, nego sam htjela izgubiti kilograme da ne umrem. U to vrijeme imala sam 28 i htjela sam doživjeti svoj 30. rođendan. I evo me, tu sam", kaže Stacy koja danas ima 61 kilogram.

"Sve se promijenilo, a najviše volim to što ne moram razmišljati o svojoj veličini prije, no što nešto učinim. Nisam letjela od 2014. jer me bilo strah da neću stati u sjedalo. Volim reći da sam prije preživljavala, a danas živim", iskreno će Stacy koja je svoj put dokumentirala na Instagramu, na kojem je stvorila zajednicu od 80.000 pratitelja te im postala inspiracija. 

Kao najvažniju stvar u procesu mršavljenja Stacy navodi vođenje dnevnika prehrane, planiranje jela te keto dijetu koja joj je u potpunosti odgovarala. 

Dodaje i kako je fokus stavila na prehranu, a ne na vježbanje jer se ozlijedila i nije mogla trenirati. Danas uživa u hodanju i planinarenju, piše rtl.hr.


#transformationtuesday Hiking edition!?? Those shoes have seen a lot! 220lbs ⬇️ . From getting winded and being in pain while walking less than a mile to a lighthouse, all the way to hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park with ease. . Being able to experience life (even if it means getting injured along the way ??‍♀️) is the absolute most rewarding thing to come out of my weight loss. I’ll never go back! . ?Don’t believe me, just watch! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #keto #fattofit #fattofitjourney #extremeweightloss #inprogress #motivation #transformation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlosstransformation #keepgoing #nevergiveup #bodsquad #fatloss #transformationinprogress #100lbsdown #ketotransformation #ketoweightloss #beforeandduring #200lbsdown #dietbet #halfmysize #LFHdietbet #inspiration

A post shared by Stacy Blair ⬇️ 220lbs (@losing_for_health) on Sep 10, 2019 at 11:02am PDT


#transformationtuesday June 2017 ➡️ June 2019 200+ lbs lost . On the left: 2 years ago I was overheated and struggling just to walk around an arboretum in Minnesota for a few hours with my best friend for her birthday. I hated the way I looked, but knew pictures were important to her so I didn’t protest. . On the right: On Friday while on vacation in Denmark visiting my best friend for her birthday, I asked my friend to take my picture next to some pretty roses that we saw while walking around and exploring the city. I walked 23,000 steps that day without even blinking an eye. . It’s not about the weight you lose, it’s about the life you gain. ? . ?Don’t believe me, just watch! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #keto #fattofit #fattofitjourney #extremeweightloss #inprogress #motivation #transformation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlosstransformation #keepgoing #nevergiveup #bodsquad #fatloss #transformationinprogress #100lbsdown #ketotransformation #ketoweightloss #beforeandduring #200lbsdown #dietbet #halfmysize #LFHdietbet #inspiration

A post shared by Stacy Blair ⬇️ 220lbs (@losing_for_health) on Jun 11, 2019 at 7:47am PDT


⬇️220lbs and still lovin’ dresses! . #transformationtuesday and #throwback to the moment I decided to save my life. A year and a half ago I came to the harsh realization that if I didn’t drastically change my lifestyle, I wouldn’t make it to see my 30th birthday in just two short years. I was ultimately making a life or death decision, and I knew I had no choice but to take it seriously. Deep down I knew I had fight left in me, even if nobody else still did, and I was ready to prove it. “She remembered who she was, and the game changed.” . ?Check out my FAQ highlight below my bio for details on how I lost my weight naturally!? . Left dress: @torridfashion Right dress: @nordstromrack Love...Ady brand . DIETBET STARTS IN 6 DAYS! I’ll be sharing more of what I eat, tips, recipes, challenges, tons of giveaways, and more! ???What are you waiting for? You’re worth it! Link in bio or dietbet.com/losingforhealth to join our squad! . ?Don’t believe me, just watch! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #keto #fattofit #fattofitjourney #extremeweightloss #inprogress #motivation #transformation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlosstransformation #keepgoing #nevergiveup #bodsquad #fatloss #transformationinprogress #100lbsdown #ketotransformation #ketoweightloss #beforeandduring #200lbsdown #dietbet #halfmysize #LFHdietbet #inspiration

A post shared by Stacy Blair ⬇️ 220lbs (@losing_for_health) on Mar 19, 2019 at 8:48am PDT


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