SVIJET SE OPRAŠTA OD KOBEA Gotovo nitko nije ostao ravnodušan na smrt košarkaške legende



Nakon tragične smrti košarkaša Kobea Bryanta, na društvenim mrežama osvanule su brojne objave u kojima mu mnogi odaju počast. Zadnju fotografiju Bryant je objavio na Instagramu, 15 sati prije smrti i to s LeBronom Jamesom.

27.01.2020. u 10:13
Ispiši članak

Među ostalima, počast su Bryantu odali premijer Andrej Plenković, kapetan hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije Luka Modrić, nogometaši Ivan Rakitić, Cristiano Ronaldo i mnogi drugi. Smrt Bryanta za mnoge predstavlja velik gubitak.

Od Bryanta su se oprostili i veliki nogometni klubovi poput Barcelone, Manchester Uniteda, Liverpoola, RB Leipziga... 


Conor McGregor reacts to the tragic death of Kobe Bryant. (via @cbsthismorning)

A post shared by Chamatkar Sandhu (@sandhumma) on Jan 26, 2020 at 9:35pm PST

Posebno je dirljiva objava hrvatskog košarkaša Marija Hezonje: "Moj HEROJ, idol, učitelj, mentor, košarkaški otac, trener .. Oblikovao sam svoj mentalitet koji me vodio kroz sve, od Hrvatske do Barcelone, do vašeg NBA-a i naše domaće MAMBA Sportske akademije...".



‪My HERO, idol, teacher, mentor, basketball father, coach.. Shaped my mentality that carried me through everything, from Croatia to Barcelona to your NBA and our home MAMBA Sports Academy. Your work ethic, skills, leadership, competitive drive, mindset, intelligence, professionalism and a pure heart of a CHAMPION ‬were second to none, and are my motivation and my path for me in everything I do. You inspired so many, changed my life and I will relentlessly continue to push towards success the same way you always did. In everything. I will miss you at the Academy, seeing you in your new role, the most beautiful role, the FATHER role, to that special kid of yours, young mamba that just started to live and was going to be in WNBA what you was in NBA. And to all of our kids and people there, you perfected and mastered that like every other skill before and challenge you overcame. I already miss you so much, we all do, we will keep pushing, keep growing, representing and carrying everything you stood for, brought in and meant for us at Mamba Sports Academy. We don’t even have a photo together, and we lived on that court there that united us. 1 on 1 when I get up, Rest In Peace my Legend, Rest In Peace G I love you so much! CRO8E ❤️??

A post shared by Mario Hezonja (@supermariohezonja) on Jan 26, 2020 at 10:04pm PST



On to #2 @kingjames! Keep growing the game and charting the path for the next. ??

A post shared by Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant) on Jan 25, 2020 at 8:18pm PST





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